Sunday 3 August 2008

From Bow Sikh Youth To You

Waheguroo ji ka Khalsa Waheguroo ji ki Fateh!

Hi Everyone

We like to welcome everyone to the new site for Bow Sikh youth, we are here to give you information on issues relating to Sikhi and what goes on in our local Gurdwara.

A few questions to ask yourself:
  • What has Sikhi got to do with me?
  • Do i have a say in the Gurdwara?
  • Why don't i get involved in Seva, i.e. Langar Seva, giving out Degh (Karah Prasaad) Perform Kirtan etc.

These things must bug you?

We go to the Gurdwara Mata Theek infront of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, have Langar chit chat with out mates and then go home, but do we even learn anythink? Bow Sikh Youth are here to make your voice heard so more activities and youth classes take place i.e. gatka lessons, group discussions, sikh history classes etc which will be available for the youth at Bow Gurdwara.

If you would like to see changes and want to participate in any of the above classes then contact us on the email below:

We will try our best to get back to as soon as possible.

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