Tuesday 10 February 2009

Singh & Kaur

Most of us have the surname Singh & Kaur in our names, what do these mean?

Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave us the names which associated us with a Sikh Nation. Once some-one takes Amrit then they truly become a Singh and kaur. They then sign up to the khalsa army and their duty to defend the weak and poor starts officially in the eyes of Guru Ji.

Kaur means Princess:

  • A princess is a reflection of purity and innocence; they are women of good character and behavior.
  • They have self -respect, live in dignity and have good morals and principals.
  • They dress modestly and have no nasty habits such as drinking, smoking and eating meat.
  • They don’t go clubbing to look for pleasure. They don’t have abortions to cover up their misdeeds.
  • They are warrior princesses who are ready to defend themselves.
  • They do charity events and seva (self-less service)

Singh means Lion:

  • A Singh is a brave, courageous warrior, who fights for righteousness, humanity and stands up for the innocents, oppressed, the poor and the needy.
  • Never starts trouble, never bullies people
  • A Singh looks out for everyone’s rights and demands justice with out fear.
  • A Singh lives without fear of anyone-or anything
  • Singh’s make all types of sacrifices
  • Singh’s struggle until peace and humanity is restored.
  • A Singh has no hate and doesn’t pick on innocent people. (a lot of our boys go around paki-bashing, this is wrong)


By Tarnjeet Kaur, 13 from Bedford

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