The following five K's are the mark of Sikhi. These five can never be parted from the body. Kara, Kirpan, Kachera, Kanga, recognize these as four of them. The fifth is Kesh, without which the other four are useless. There are also four H's which must be avoided. Understand this without any doubt, no lies have been told. Hukka, taking tobacco (including any other type of intoxicants). Hajamat, removing of hair. Halalo, eating meat. Haram, adultery (sexual relationships outside of marriage). These are the four H's. Dyeing of beards (including any other body hair), and the wearing of mehndi (including other types of make up) are strictly forbidden.
Dasam Granth - Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji
KESH: Uncut hair is regarded as a symbol of saintliness as one accepts and lives in harmony with the lords will. Removing of the hair is seen as acting against the lords will. Shaving and cutting of the hair is a major taboo, as one will live in disharmony with the lords will. Sikhs believe hair have particular functions and were given to us by the lord for a purpose.
KANGA: a special wooden comb. This is necessary to maintain the hair in a neat and tidy form. A Sikh must comb their hair twice a day and cover them with a dastar (turban). The dastar protects the hair and is an essential part of the Sikh uniform.
KARA: an iron bracelet, which is worn on the predominant arm of the Sikh. It reminds the Sikh of the vows taken by them, it is a constant reminder that they aren’t to take part in any activity that will bring shame and disgrace on them (for example stealing).
KACHERA: A special type of shorts to be worn at all times. It reminds the Sikh of the need of self-restraint over corrupt desires. Apart from its moral aspect it is ideal as practical martial underwear.
KIRPAN: the sword is worn solely for protection of righteousness, humanity and justice. It is a sign of readiness to confront injustices, it symbolizes dignity and self-reliance. One is capable to defend themselves, and the innocent-weak person from oppressors. It is the minimal protection that a khalsa soldier must carry at all times.
The usage of drugs for intoxication: the Guru’s encouraged healthy activity and a healthy lifestyle which keeps the body in good condition. Drugs make one lose their sense and weakens the body and creates mental diseases. However Sikhs are allowed to take narcotics for medicational purposes.
The eating of meat: this includes all flesh, like fish, eggs and any animal fats. Guru Har Rai Ji opened up hospitals for injured animals. Murdering of gods creatures, cruelty towards animals and other humans is forbidden in Sikhism. All creatures have a natural instinct to remain alive; killing of animas for food is a barbaric crime and against gods will.
Adultery: A Sikh is not allowed to have sexual relations out of marriage. A Sikh must have morals and commit in a marriage ceremony in front of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji before having a sexual relation with anyone. Marriage is a moralful and respectful way of showing dignity.
Unshorn hair: A Sikh believes that the lord is a perfect creator and created hair for a purpose, so for a Sikh cutting their hair is devil like.

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