It was the year 1704, there was a battle at Anandpur between the Khalsa and combined Hindu hill rajas and Mughals. The Khalsa was defending the Anandpur fort as the enemies launched a heavy attack.
Bhai Kanhaiya was given the duty of giving water to the injured Singh’s during the battle. When Bhai Kanhaiya got on the battle field, all he could see was the face of Guru Gobind Singh Ji in everyone and God dwelling in everyone, there fore neither seeing anyone as friend or foe, he severed indiscriminately. Bhai Kanhaiya was seen by other Singh’s giving water to the enemy, some of which saw Bhai Kanhiaya went and told Guru Ji, We have a traitor in the camp, he is helping the enemies heal so that they can get up and attack the khalsa again.
Guru Ji, Bring Bhai Kanhaiya to me
When the Singh’s got back, to where Bhai Kanhaiya ji was, he was giving water to a mughal. The Singh’s gripped him and took him to Guru Ji
Bhai Kanhaiya bowed to Guru Ji,
Guru Ji, your sikh brothers tell me you are helping heal the enemy so that the enemy may get up and attack your brothers, they call you a traitor.
The Singhs: Guru Ji he eats and lives with us, but gives water to the enemy, he shows he is a sikh but has friendship with the enemy.
Bhai Kanhaiya: I never gave any water to the enemy.
When hearing this some of the singhs got angry and went for their swords and asked Guru jis permission to punish bhai sahib. But Guru ji told the singhs to look into bhai sahibs eyes . When they gazed closely into his eyes they saw Guru jis reflection instead of their own. This proofed to the singhs that bhai sahib saw Guru ji’s face everywhere, he was in deep meditation.
Guru Ji gave Bhai Kanhaiya a hug and said, Khalsa Ji, he is not a traitor, but has a pure heart and see’s God in all. He is innocent (he wasn’t wishing no harm on the khalsa), he is in Chardi Kala. We are all children of Waheguru, we are the creation of the same creator, and just as bhai Kanhaiya saw me in all, in the same way God, dwells in all. God dwells in the good and evil. We don’t fight with hate; we only fight for truth, justice and humanity. Our fight isn’t due to racism it is to uphold righteousness in the world.
“Recongnise the Human Race as one”
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji - Dasam Granth.
Bhai Kanhaiya ji left us an example, that Sikhs should never have hate (not be a racist.)
I see the Supreme Lord God in all beings, and I am the dust of all.
Ang 616 - Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
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