Sikhi teaches us certain principles and lays out rules that we must live by. Sikhi rejects all intoxications as they delude the mind and destroy health. Sikhi guides us mortals to live a pure life of righteousness and honour. All Sikh Symbols and Gurbani must be respected as they represent Sikh values and principles which Sikh Gurus taught us. However it is worrying to see an increase in the number of people smoking when they have a Khanda or ek-onkaar symbol in their cars. This is totally disgraceful and slanderous as it portrays the Sikh people in the wrong way. People will start thinking that Sikhs are allowed to smoke, also the people that are carrying out this deed need to think about the respect that they have for their religion. Do what you’re doing but keep Sikhi out of it!
What do you do with your Sikhi tops?
Personally I think Gurbani on tops etc is wrong because no matter how much care you take, you are bound to cause some sort of disrespect. But the most common one is when you put your clothes for the wash; we mix them with our underwear or put the Sikhi tops with other dirty laundry!
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