Below is an English translation of a very brief ardass:
God is one, all victory is of God.
May the respected sword, god in the form of destroyer of evil-doers help us, recited by the tenth Guru!
First remember the sword, then remember Guru Nanak, then remember Guru Angad, Guru Amar Das and Guru Ram Das, may they help us!
Remember Guru Arjan, Guru Hargobind and respected Guru Har Rai! Remember Guru Har Krishan, by having the sight of, all pains vanish. Remember Guru Teg Bahadur, and then the nine sources of wealth will come hastening to your home!
Oh respected Gurus please help us everywhere, May the kind and respected tenth Guru, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji assist us everywhere!
Think and meditate upon the divine light of the ten Kings contained in the respected Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and turn your thoughts to the divine teachings and get pleasure by the sight of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji! Utter Waheguru.
Think and remember the deeds of the five beloved ones, of the four sons of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, of the forty Martyrs (redeemed ones), of the brave Sikhs of indomitable determination, of the devotees steeped in the colour of the naam, of those absorbed in the naam, of those who remembered the naam and shared their food in companionship, of those who started free kitchens, of those who wielded their swords for truth and justice, of those who overlooked others short-comings, and all the pure and truly devoted ones! Utter Waheguru.
Think of remember the service of the brave Sikhs, who sacrificed their heads but did not surrender their Sikhi, who got themselves cut to pieces from the joints of their body, who got their scalps removed, who were tied and rotated on the spiked wheels and were crashed into pieces, who were cut by saws, who were flayed alive, who sacrificed themselves to upkeep the dignity of the gurdwaras, and who did not abandon their sikhi, who kept their hair until their last breath! Utter Waheguru
Turn your thoughts to the five seats of the Sikh religion and all other Gurdwaras, Utter Waheguru! First the entire respected khalsa make this supplication that may they meditate on your name, may all pleasures and comfort comes through such meditation, where-ever respected Khalsa is present, give your protection and grace, may the free kitchen and sword never fail, maintain the honour of your devotees, confer victory on the panth, may the respected sword come to our assistance, may the khalsa always get honours, Utter Waheguru! Kindly confer upon the Sikhs the gift of Sikhi, the gift of long hair, the gift of observing Sikh laws, the gift of divine knowledge, the gift of firm faith, the gift of belief and the biggest gift of naam and of having bath in the respected tank of nectar, O God! May the choirs, mansions and the banners exist forever, May the truth forever triumph, Utter Waheguru! May the minds of all the Sikhs remain Humble and their wisdom exalted, O God! You are the protector of wisdom, O immortal God the constant helper of his Sikhs, kindly confer the gift of visiting, maintaining, controlling and worshipping without any restrictions, the Gurdwara of Nankana sahib Ji and other Gurdwaras which the Khalsa has been deprived of. O true Father Waheguru, you are the shelter of the shelter- less, the honour of the meek, the power of the helpless ones, we humbly make a prayer in your presence.
Kindly pardon our errors and shortcomings, kindly fulfil the objectives of all, kindly cause us to meet the true devotees, by meeting whom , we remember your name, o God threw Guru Nanak may your name be exalted and may all prosper according to your will.
Waheguru Ji Ka, Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
The Khalsa belongs to God, the Victory is Gods.
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